D.Sc. Agnieszka Lugowska


Graduated from the Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw. The degree of Doctor of Medicine received in 1997 (Medical University of Warsaw; supervisor: Prof. Anna Tylka-Szymańska), habilitation in 2010.
Since 1989 works on diagnosis of genetically determined metabolic diseases, mainly lysosomal diseases. In 1989-1997 she worked at the Laboratory of Metabolic Disorders in IP-Child Health Centre, and since 1997 in the Department of Genetics of the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw. As part of the professional qualifications held several internships in foreign centers (Austria, Germany, Czech Republic). In 1992 I obtained a first degree of specialisation in the field of clinical analysis, and in 2006 specialising in the field of medical genetics laboratory.
Her aim is to provide patients and physicians from across the Polish professional, modern, high level of laboratory diagnosis of lysosomal diseases.
